Anyone else like to Listen in the Dark?

Thats right! With the lights off...! I guess this habit started once I went completely tubes! Besides beauty of the warming blue, purple, and orange glow...I can be taken away more easily by the music in the dark. I enter dream like states and my imagination runs wild. The music simply takes control and moves me!
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Showing 1 response by ucmgr

I really enjoy listening in the dark. Nothing gives me greater audio pleasure than firing up the Tenors late at night. That 20 tube glow is something to behold. I recently added Synergistic Research Designer Reference X-Series ICs to the mix so not only do the Tenors cast off a faint orangish light, but the interconnects wash the side walls with a pale blue light. God I love it! I wouldn't swear to it, but I know deep in my heart that the music just sounds better. It's like an audio-video extravaganza. Try it some might just come to like it too!!!