Does anyone know who makes/sells...

those ceramic footers that are used to raise speaker cables off the floor? Are they effective?

To tell you the truth, no sonic improvements were heard by either me or my wife (who got me these for Christmas a few years ago...). I put them under the speaker cables which are are Nordost SPM, and these elevators have been reportedly able to improve their sound but... not.

Perhaps because my carpet is 100% plush wool (most carpets are or have acrylic)? Perhaps because these cables are kind of stiff and thin and wide that they do not really settle nicely in the channels in the top of the elevators (i.e. rounder speakers cables may work better)?

But, yeah, still use them as a 'precaution', just in case static starts building up after small micro-vibrations cause the cable to rub back and forth against the carpet.
There are a lot of snake oil products out there and the cable towers certainly sounded like one. Some people swear by them and someone (who are normally more honest) simply couldn't tell any difference.
I can immediatly tell a difference when elevating my speaker cables with simple blocks of wood, I would try that before investing in anything expensive and see if you can hear an improvment.
Czapp I found a tweak that you may want to try. Get some large Dixie cups,cut a hole through them, slide your cables, and then turn the cups upside down(opening on the floor). I have my cardas cables dressed as such. Can't say much about sonics but it keeps them off the floor. Good listening!