Dust Covers

Anyone got any tips for polishing dust covers.

Novus plastic polish #2 or #3. I heard they sell it at the Container Store, but I'm not sure about that.
The best I've tried is definitely 3M Swirl Mark Remover. I know a lot of high end dealers use it. It works well for both acrylic and plastic dust cover. The effect normally last a few weeks.
McGuire's non-scratching automotive polish does a nice job. Then use regular car wax to fill in any deep scratches that won't buff out; they'll almost disappear. Clean up with Endust for electronics (spray in a can) & a lintfree blue paper towel.
There were alot of ideas posted about a month ago on this topic. You might want to look back at these.

I use the same swirl mark remover as Rdr4b. But for deep scratches I first use automotive wet or dry sandpaper starting with 400 grit and moving on up to 1500 grit and a lot of water and elbow grease. Then I polish with the swirl mark remover.