anybody has any suggestion for the best AC cord on the market?
i am upgrading all my system and need a set of AC cord, i am thinking to go with psaudio lab cable or black mamba, but after doing some research the whale elite seems to be popular, any recommendation?
All wire, all metal, can act as an antenna to RF...all antenna are metal arranged in a manner to receive a bandwidth that the designer had in mind. In that same vein,
wire can be designed in a manner to reject/cancel unwanted
frequencies. The less RF and other noise introduced to
an audio components power supply or chassis give that
component an easier time in doing it's job. As in waveguide
theory....quater-wave away from an open, is a short. A powercord design can do a good or poor job at being a short
to an antenna..or an open/choke/block. What we're
trying to work on here isn't 110v 60cps. You'll have to
look to higher level HZ., or your own ears. But again, if
there is nothing heard in an upgrade powercord, then it
isn't worth ones money.
I am fairly new to high-end components & never knew a power cord existed other than the stock provided with the component. I used to spend weekends at the local store listening to components I could only dream of and pestering the store owner with all sorts of questions. One saturday I noticed he had this 6" diameter cord hooked up to the back of his Levinson transpot. I asked him what it was and he explained to me it was a power cord. At first I thought he was kidding but he wasn't. At first I told I couldn't see logically how a power cord could make a difference in sound quality (it just didn't make sense). Instead of explaing the logic or science behind it he said "here take it home and try and see for yourself". I hooked it up to a theta transport and immediately noticed a difference. What was amazing was after about 15 hours of listening I couldn't believe the difference. The soundstage expanded about two feet the separation was unbelievable. I immediately bought one for my transport & D/A. I hooked up a electraglide reference glide to the transport & an aural syphonics to my D/A. The combination was amazing. I guess my point & question is I went into this test with scepticism & was truly amazed at the noticeable difference. If expensive power cords are not supposed to work that much better than stock cords, what else could have caused the difference I heard?
Your hidden desire to give away all of your earthly possesions (money) except your stereo and a place to plug it into?
Back to Dynamics20 for a moment. I would expect the combo of Wadia 850 and Plinius SA100 to be a bit sterile and analytical. I doubt that PCs will fix this. I would experiment with perhaps a Cardas Golden Cross interconnect which will definitely change the sound compared with your Diamonds.

Neubilder, I felt exactly the same as you until my curiosity caused me give it a try and to dismiss this PC snake-oil altogether. I tried a high-end PC and didn't like it much, but the sound was, to my utter surprise, different. My next step was to make several PCs using different cables and they all sounded different. I was very perplexed and could not understand what was happening. Even small changes like to the outer insulation made significant differences. I finally gave in and tried the seemingly exhorbitantly priced ones from the US and actually found one I liked, and bought one for each component. From my playing around and looking at the construction of the cables that sounded good, all I can say is recycled copper sounds awfully grainy, twisting of conductors for common mode rejection makes a beneficial difference, thickness of conductors makes a difference, shielding makes a beneficial difference and the dialectric used makes a significant difference. I don't know why. I theorise that a good PC has a similar effect as a power conditioner, but without the latter's deleterious impact on dynamics, only because that is what it sounds like to me. If indeed a PC had a conditioning effect then this might explain why a few feet just before the component can have an effect when there are tens of meters of basic stuff in the walls and in the lead-in to the house.