Traded the Most ?

Which piece of equipment have you traded the most? Was it your preamp, amp, speakers, source, or cables ? Thanks for the input. Just so you will know, I have had more preamps than anything.
Well,I guess this is the one area in life where,turns out I must be normal.(That's an opening line, have at it) Cabeling first, then the tweaks. 4 preamps in 10 yrs.
so far it has been preamps, i have gone through 3 in the last 3 months and still have not found the right one yet. i'm currently using evs ultimate attenuators but i have no bass response at all. anyway i'm starting another post for that.
definitely preamps for me - i got a preamp bug last may - 1st got a linn kairn w/the latest *slimline* brilliant p/s to replace my older linn w/brilliant p/s. this lasted a couple months, til i got a hot-rod rogue 99. this lasted a couple weeks, til i got a cary slp98. this lasted a couple months, til i got my current melos music-director. this ain't goin' anywhere soon... :>)
5 Pres, 3 Amps, 3 CDPs, 3 Speaker cables, 3 ICs, 2 TTs, and 1 DAC in 5 years. Now is a good time for me to enjoy. Regards, Rute.