Help with purchase of power conditioner

Hello, Ive recently been looking into buying a power conditioner but I don't know much about them. My budget is limited to 300 dollars new or used. My setup is as follows

Fronts: Paradigm mini monitors
Center: Paradigm studio cc
Surrounds: Paradigm ADP 350
Sub: Paradigm PW 2200
sony dvd player(budget player)
Onkyo Integra dtr-7 reciever
monster cable interconnects and speaker cables
Old magnavox 27" tv(next upgrade)

I've never had any experience with power conditioners and would really appreciate your input.
Sugarbrie is almost right on the money. Look in e-Bay for "true isolation power conditioner"; Seller is David Riddle. It is a used Power Var 400W isolation transformer you can buy for $55. Davis has lots of those. I have one, so does Sedond and Audiojerry. Keep your digital stuff plugged there.

You'll have money left for a Tice A/V Solo. Plug your TV to it and watch that TPT treated power cord bring magic to your video picture! Don't buy Vans Evers--they'r a rip off. I saw the insides of a Reference Digital 12 and it's a joke...a very expensive one.


The Psychic
Looks like someone was Psyched out by what they saw. The Vansevers Digital 12 is a small one outlet conditioner to issolate a digital component. How complicated can it get? Mike Vansevers takes a lot of time voicing his conditioners by trying different parts and employing resonance modifying technigues. He picks the parts and techniques he uses based solely on how they sound, not how cool and expensive they look. All of his outlets and some of the other electric parts are cryogenically treated. This cost money as well.

The Tice, Chang, etc are all fine. But I guess if cool looks matter to you, then get the Monster conditioners. They are colorful and have lots of flashing, lights and switches.

There are conditioners loaded with all kinds of fancy electronic parts that attempt to filter the power. They look real impressive, but they also choke off the power and limit dymanics. The reason why many of us go with dedicated lines, instead of conditioners, is we want clean power with nothing blocking path. Less is more.

For that amount of money, be looking at Monster Power Condiotioners. I used the 5000 model for some time and was happy with it. You can pick that up used for roughly 300. There is another less expensive model that got good reviews (better reviews than the 5000) but I forget which one that was. Check for reviews.

I hate to ask a dumb question, but here it goes, what all does a power conditioner do?