forte 4 VS. forte 4a VS. forte 7

I have forte model 4, and very satisfied with it.
But I wanna know the differnce between 4 and 4a.
Does anybody know the difference?
And how about forte 7?
Thanks for your opinions!

Since a used Forte 4 sells for about $600 or less, it would not be worth it to spend $700 more for two 7's. Just my opinion. If you need the extra power & really want the Forte sound, then go for it. I think at that price you could get a Threshold T200, which would be superior.
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4a is a lovely sounding class A amp. Generally, the "class A" Fortes were very lovely after a long warmup, the sound gells beautifully. The non-class A Forte's, from what I understand, should be avoided. Threshold T200 does indeed stomp the Forte and is worthwhile upgrade. (Forte was the less expensive line of Threshold).
JY: I concur with Elizabeth & others who state the differance between 4 & 4a is a balanced input. I owned the model 6a at one point. I found it to be both sonically pleasing (warm yet detailed) & built like a tank. The 6a is exactly the same design as the 4a only 200 WPC class A A/B as opposed to 50 WPC class A. The 4 got favorable reviews over the 6 according to Cory Greenberg of Stereophile at that time. As I understand it, Greenberg likes to audition equipmet with a six pack on hand at all times. Anyway, it was the craziest reveiw because he kept getting the amps mixed up (they look exactly the same & he reveiw them at the same time). I found the 6 to be sonically the very simular to the 4. If power is a consideration you may want to chek out the 6. Hope this helps...sagger.
Kevziek,Elizabeth,Artmaltman and Sagger:

Thanks for your good informations and advices!
Happy with nice music!