Capacitor Questions Re-capping Dahlquist DQ-20s

I'd like to re-cap my Dahlquist DQ-20s, but I'm running into some problems finding replacements with the same values, especially among higher-end capacitors.

For instance, one of the specified caps in the crossover is "14.5 µF", but I've not found a single one of those online. There are plenty of 15µF capacitors though. Will that substitution work? I have the same questions about 3.0 vs 3.3 and 5.0 vs 4.7/5.6 which are way more common.

Finally, if anyone has done these specific speakers, would you mind sharing what you used and how you liked the results?

Thanks for reading!
Joelv, If you can't find the exact values that you need I may be able to have them custom wound at ClarityCap factory. PM if interested.

ClarityCap North America OEM Sales
Look at the list of Solen and AEON caps, on page 6 of the
following catalog: (
Most capacitors are manufactured to a +/- 10 or 20% tolerance.
If you call Michael Percy, he can match caps to within a 2%
tolerance, as well as find you the values you need. A very
helpful person.
You can parallel the closes values to make up 14.5uf =/- 10 % so you should be fine.

As for the smaller caps, tweeter caps? find some that are exact values, 3 3.3, 4.7, 5, 5.6uf are common values, do check out the different brands.