WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Only geof would equate asking reasonable questions about products and vendors in aforum like this with wife beating. No surprise!
Mapman, I'm a little disappointed that you completely overlooked asking if quantum material might have long term health risks. It seems to me that's the logical next question after asking if they might be defective. You can't eat just one chip. Ha ha

System sounded a bit off today and since nothing has been added prior and after the fuse chips. I duly removed them from the pre amp and what do you know.... the sound came back to live. The fuse chips gave more dynamic, volume to a sense etc at first but now after a week or so has dulled the sound especially the highs. Music became less involving, detail and lost the PRAT factor. I have no idea what the chips are doing but they will not be going back into my system. I know a lot of you have found them to be very impressive but these are my findings and opinion. Your may differ.

Flashunlock, that seems mighty peculiar. What does your system consists of?
Flashunlock, was it anything like this (excerpt from the Positive Feedback review of the Red And Blue Intelligent Chips review):

"However, the application is wholly different. The original GSIC (still around and upgraded, by the way) is used on CDs and its effects are permanent. The new ones are placed on top of transformers and power cords and their effects are completely reversible. They come in two versions: the light Blue is for use on amps; the orangey-Red is for front-end gear. I can merely hope the fracas caused by the original GSIC is not to be repeated.

Four of the Blues went on top of the IEC jacks of the power cords at the point where they entered the Kharma MP150 monoblocks; three Reds similarly went onto PCs of the front-end. After a couple of rounds of on and off, one hones in on their effects: the insignificant, little, weight-less, blue wafers produced noticeably sharper transient attacks and soundstage focus. What—how do they do that??? You actually get a crisper, faster, tighter, and more dynamic presentation. Image borders firmed up, and the corpus inside them became more solid and dense. In the bass, this firming was heard as a propulsive, noticeable, bouncing rhythmic line. The chips also redistributed sound energy, taking some away from the lower mids and moving it downwards into the bass region. All to the good, you would think. However, I wasn't so sure about that. I had a nicely balanced frequency distribution to start with: the chip-induced redistribution caused some lumps and unevenness—Fabio's violin lost some of its patina and acquired an unnatural and disturbing focus. The sound was evidencing a degree of hardness now.

Without the chips, the presentation was notably softer, less focused, and more spread. Stage width was more continuous across its span because instrumental borders weren't as demarcated. Dimensional cues were good, and frequency response was nice and even, if favoring the midrange. I liked it better this way, without them: I judged it more natural."