power conditioner/power cable

Im fairly new to the hifi world but im confused about something.My local hifi dealer advised me not to use a power conditioner/surge protector unit(monster,panamax,etc)to plug my gear into,instead to just use a power strip. is this correct??One other question i have-if one does use on of the previous mentioned devices is it beneficial to upgrade the stock power cables??Any help would be appreciated,thank you.
Jafant i forgot to mention one other component-im using paradigm studio 60s v.4-the nad's seem to be a good match for the paradigms,again im a novice in this hobby but to me it sounds pretty darn good.
I would be careful of power strips. My buddy thought he had a power tube problem in his preamp. It turned out he had his preamp plugged into a power strip which was doing bad things. I moved the plug to the wall and all was fixed. So you need to listen for yourself to decide whether you should use a power strip or not.
On the subject of power strips, don't use the plastic strips being sold to plug your computer or accessories into. Use a professional pwr strip made of steel like guitarists use on stage. Furman makes one with heavy gauge PC.
I have my integrated amp plugged directly into the wall and used to have everything else plugged into a Brick Wall surge protector. When I tried going directly to the wall with my CDP, the sound improved (dynamics, detail, air, etc.) noticeably.

I was always under the impression that since the CDP didn't draw that much (or as much compared to an amp) that it wouldn't be constricted as much as it was.

I would have to respectfully disagree with some of the above posts. Keep as much as your audio gear as possible plugged directly into the wall. If you have to use a power strip, make sure it's a good one. Good, as in only an extension of the wall outlet and nothing more.

All the best,