Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000

I am probably going to get knocked around for the use of that mysterious word "MUSICAL" in this tread. However would like some input from members who have tried a lot of speaker cables: and would like to know what is most musical sounding speaker cable you have ever owned or presently own under $800. Multiple choices is also good.

FOR ME, the term "musical means" listenable, and holding the listener's attention, and satisfying. Also, it means very smooth without sounding warm or fuzzy. Lastly, it means....a unique presentation of the musical event never heard or experienced before.

Or,... is it also: more detail?? more musical cues that convey the music and its acoustic space? or a richer palette of tonal color and harmonics??? I am sure it is heard and defined differently by everyone
SunnyJim....You have been on this site for a while and must know by now that there is no such thing as the proper cable for any system. EVERY system has to be "tuned" so that the components (and room) have to work together to give you pleasure. I have mentioned this before, but when I play my violin, it sounds WAY different every time depending on which concert hall I'm in, and how many people are sitting in the hall. Sometimes it's cold and steely, sometimes warm and lucious. I change my strings, bow placement, and bow pressure to accommodate the hall, and sometimes I can't get it right, no matter what I do. You say you ruled out MY system, I have not found better...but this is after auditioning many, many cables. If you put in the work, you will be rewarded.
Crimson cable got 4 recommendations in this thread. Clear Day (an Audiogon member favorite) got 7 recommendations. Don't typically find much agreement in forums, so that's pretty good for both of them. Just be aware, if you need a non-standard length of Clear day (a length other than 8ft) there are no return privileges. That's why I never tried them. I'll put Crimson on my short list if the cables that are on the way are a disappointment.
this is another of many posts asking for the "best component" at a price point.

the number of suggestions is small, relative to the total number of available products.

therefore, the best approach is listen to many speaker cables, probably sourced from the cable company.

Had the Crimson cable and replaced them with DNM Speaker cables. If you have an amp with negative feedback get the HFTN add on for speaker cables, end your search and start to be moved by the music!