Longest Advisable Speaker Cable Runs?

I've always heard 8-10' is ideal.
I'd like to move my gear rack to the side of my listening room-I've seen this done in the Virtual Systems section with what must have been some pretty long runs of Speaker Cable. I would probably need 30 feet to the furthest speaker.
My amp is low watt-around 10 per channel SO that could effect cable run length?
Any help is appreciated.
Ok that's some great info. I'll look around for shielded Low & capacitance, but not extremely low. I'll also check for ratings less than or around 150 pf. I bet that will help other members in the future as they reference the blogs.
I looked at the Supra cable site and found that they're out of Sweden. That means big $$$ to me. OCOS site indicates Sumiko ownership --> $$$... Both are probably great products but do any inexpensive to mid-price cables come to mind? Such long runs are going to add up quickly on a per ft. basis.

As for the Bent Audio volume control, hat could be a fix for me so I'll check it out. I'd like to keep the system as simple as I can though. Could you post a link Byfo? I wasn't sure if Google took me to the right place.

Thanks to all,
For Supra cables if you are in the US give these guys a call:

Sjofn HiFi

If you click the link you will see that these cables are not that expensive. The set I bought was $26/meter per pair (S/Ply 3.4) but for $12/meter per pair you can get the Classic 2.5 that are also very good. You need about 9m so if you go with the Ply 3.4 it would be about $250/pair and if you go with the Classic 2.5 just over $100.

As for OCOS, Dynaudio now represents them and you can call the directly for pricing. Yes they will be pricier, but again you can look for them used.

I guess another low cost alternative could be Blue Jeans cable. Many here on the forum seem to like that company.
Bent Audio's website is
There are two different configurations. I am familiar with the stepped attenuator remotes. I have them in two of my preamps. His configuration is very transparent for a remote volume control. John is a class act and would be more than willing to help you.
I'll look into both those options. The Bent Audio Attenuator may be a bit to ambitious-I'm not much of a DIYer but I'll check it out. I'll also look to Sjogn for a Supra Cable recommendation and price quote. You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the help.
Tony (Clio09), it looks like the shielded Ply S3.4 is currently $36/meter/pair, rather than $26.

Dave, if you go with a shielded cable, such as that one, you'll have to determine a circuit ground point on the amp to connect the shield (the "drain wire") to. Since your amp is described as having bridged outputs, the negative (black) output terminal carries a signal, rather than being ground.

-- Al