Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables

Hello guys and gals, has anyone tried the NEW Element speaker cables and interconnects with their universal speaker and interconnect cells.

I'm trying to get demo's now from Synergistic or The Cable Company AND as soon as I do; I will have a review up.

Happy New Year!
I previously had the Apex (with Galileo MPC) and Precision Reference i/c's.

Now am running in a Copper-Tungsten-Silver from my CD player and Tungsten from pre to power.

I have noticed a clear step up in the holographic staging where everything has it's own place and it just makes it so clear as to what is playing from where, without overlap of instruments/vocals.

Additionally, the bass impact and dynamics are very good indeed - along with the fine details coming through, that really allows me to follow along with what's going on in the mix.

There is a difference in the treble presentation - but I am not yet sure if it's too much of a good thing. To be fair, this has tamed somewhat during running in and I only have 100 odd hours done so far and despite the website saying that 100 hours is enough, Ted informs me that 200-300 is ideal, so I am withholding judgement just yet. I am running them 'passively' rather than using the MPC's due to Moon telling me that I should not use the active shielding with my P8/W8 amps.

They do appear a bit less musically involving and lacking in a touch of warmth [via the grey tuning bullets] but this is still improving, so I hope they will come good in that respect. It's just a slightly more "matter-of-fact" presentation thus far.

They are SO good in many ways, I will be happy if the touch of warmth and musicality comes on song in the remainder of run-in time, so fingers crossed there!!

Sabai wrote, "Too long a story to relate here. And irrelevant..."

Your experience is neither too long nor irrelevant when you are bashing someone else who is well-known in these forums and who is acknowledged as extremely experienced.

You may not agree with Audiofeil, but no one can legitimately challenge his experience. On the other hand, I find it amazing you have been making lots of authoritative posts lately, but when asked to offer your experience you give some lame answer, "Too long a story to relate here. And irrelevant..."

Time to either put up or stop calling others out.
With all due respect, my posts have been respectful to a fault. If there is any "bashing" going on it is coming from others who choose a tone that is less than respectful. An evaluation of the experience of various posters is a moot point. We need only stick to the issues at hand.

I do not challenge Audiofeil's experience. I challenge the tone of his posts. I believe everyone here deserves respect. If one cannot give respect then one cannot expect to always receive it in return. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you -- the Good Book says.

The issues I have raised and the fact they have been answered by a combination of deafening silence by some and vitriol by others is proof enough that I have ample experience -- certainly enough to raise more than one pair of eyebrows here.
I mean once she is able to get the Vibratron into position all is well. I mean really well. With the Vibratron tweaked one way or the other the household is not the same. Sometimes it takes me hours to get my system mojo back.

When it is back though, a good quantum tunneling is in order. I have access to the unit so we do alright.
I recently "borrowed" four XLR cables from the Cable Company.All were 1 meter in length with an MSRP of roughly 1-2K$.All four sounded bettter( a couple only marginally so) then my long term reference ZU Varial. I connected them between my PS Audio MKII DAC & my Cary SLP-05 preamp.The one cable that really stood out was the Synergistic Research tungsten element. Even a non audiophile but music loving friend was very surprised by the change. He said" I find it hard to believe that just changing one cable could make such a difference." The most noticeable difference was the soundstage. This cable is a soundstaging champ.It might sacrifice a little(very little)detail to one of the others I tried but it was bar none easily the best of the four I auditioned.I have never had a speaker,power or interconnect cable make such an instant positive impression on me and others as this one did.I have been in this hobby for a while and with most cables the differences or changes I have heard are much closer to subtle then dramatic.Subtle differences allow me to keep my money in my wallet.I am glad that it was the last cable I auditioned because it made the decision to purchase one very easy even though it was the most expensive of the four.In the future as funds permit I plan to try additional Element interconnects in my system.