AntiCables v. Morrow?

Looking to buy 1st cable upgrade from #10 wire. For Ohm Walsh 100-S3s and Spendor S3/5s running off ATI 1502 Power amp with CJ PV 6 tube preamp and Cambridge 740C. Listen to lots of jazz, female vocals, blues, acoustic music. I found the preamp softened and warmed up my sound taking off what I thought was some edge but as an older amp some detail too. Trying to decide on what kinds of speaker cable to move towards. Cant afford to go truly esoteric...$200 -300 max. Can people give me a sense of the relative benefis or tradeoffs between the two companies and the types of cable they sell?
I have Morrow cables, cords & interconnects in both of my systems and I am completely happy with them. mORROW CABLES are extremely musical, detailed and a flat put bargain too boot. In fact Morrow's Reference 2 series replaced Kimber Select 1033's in my main system. Not only do the Morrow cables flat out sound better than the Kimber Selects, but with the savings from the switch I nearly paid for my secondary rig. I have a good friend who has Anti-Cables in her system and while they do sound good they are not as open & detailed as the Morrow cables. You should call Mike Morrow and speak to him directly about his cables, he's the nicest guy that you will ever meet in the audio industry and he's very easy to talk to.
Have to agree 100% with Hiendmuse, as I went from Anti Cables
to Morrow SP3's & MAP 3 XLR's. Outstanding cables. I am
thinking of trading up the the SP4's on his trade up
Suggest considering Clear Day Cables - very detailed and musical, comes with a money back guarantee
Telescope Trade, I had the Morrow SP3 speaker cables and traded up to the SP4's. A very noticeable improvement in soundstage, resolution, depth, and tonality. Definitely go for the optional burn-in service which is provided at no additional charge for the SP4's.