
There is a push at Nordost to push the idea of a cable "loom", all cables being the same, as the ideal in finding audio cable bliss. I am not convinced of this but am intrigued enough to start to question my system and my sanity, (as well as question my banker for a refinance on my car to pay for a new cable loom). Any experience out there of those who have tried the harmony of one brand/model of cable vs. the chaos of a mix of cables creating a sonic jungle.
I am not sure why the moderators changed the title of my post from "Cable Loom vs Cable Jungle", to just "Cable". I think the original title was more discriptive of the question and I can't see where it slighted anyone. So, this is a clarification note.
I do my best now just to sit down and enjoy music and share it with the people I love and care about. I just stay away from things that I assume just might not really matter in an audio system and stay with what works. I wish you the best with this tread and at best having your sanity questioned. I have gotten into many an argument with this subject so I will pass the batton to another.
No battle needed!
I have gone both routes and here's my 2 cents...

Cable "jungle"...a lot of time and testing to mix and match without adding or diminishing from one's sonic goals BUT IT CAN BE DONE!
cable "loom"...Also a good amount of time to find the one brand that gives you most of what your end wishes are BUT THEN YOUR DONE!

Not unlike audio nervousa, take the time to do correctly and there's no need to wonder what your missing...Good Luck
I agree with Azjake right up to the "BUT THEN YOU ARE DONE!" part. I've gone both routes too, and have been happy both ways.

The last time I had a system wired with all one kind of cables (Tara Labs Decade) was about a decade ago. I was done for a year or two, but have been back swinging in the jungle ever since.

IMHO, there is no one RIGHT way to do it, just as there is no one RIGHT cable for you. You can certainly try it, but either way you go, I highly doubt you will BE DONE!
