JPLAY - It aint subtle

Tried it awhile back and just couldn't get it to work consistently. When it did work, I could hear that it was doing some good things. Recently however, I was browsing ComputerAudiophile and saw that quite a few their members were using it so I decided to give it another go. It seems that they have done some improvements up to the current 5.1 version. It only took me 5 minutes from download of the trial version through set up.

I am not one for audiophile jargon so let's just say that what I heard would be comparable to what I would expect to hear if I had thrown some serious money at upgrading a major component. Needless to say I went ahead and spent the $130 to purchase the software.

My setup has been using two computers. One simply acts as a fileserver streaming files to the other pc. I had figured that reducing load on the pc doing the processing couldn't hurt the sound. Jplay also recommends a dual-pc setup, so I went ahead and tried their configuration and what I heard was yet another step above what I got with the single pc.

Now, I know that there is major controversy brewing over what exactly Jplay does and how to explain it. Jriver actually generates a warning page specifically citing tests that shows that Jplay has no benefit whatsoever. However, I am one of those audiophiles that follow what my ears tell me and not what some measurements show. Having said that I'd like to limit this thread to generating some feedback and discussion from others who have tried the software and want to share with others.
Agreed with everything said here.

I run it off a Mac mini with bootcamp in Windows 7, and it really blows away every other playback engine I have encountered, on Mac or Windows.

Jplay was probably the equal of upgrading my DAC. I actually discovered it through John Kenny, the maker of my DAC, and installed it, and had it ready and waiting for my JKDAC32. Kind of funny that they promote each other, because Marcin and John are two of the nicest guys I've ever dealt with.

The new 5.1 with my DAC offers the best music playback I have ever heard...ever.

Glad you're enjoying your purchase. You're not alone :)
If you guys haven't updated to the newest version 5.2 you need to do so asap. Massively improvement over the old version.
I don't know about "massive," but I agree v5.2 improves on 5.1. I haven't yet tried the alternate version, but some at the JPlay forum say sounds even better.
Hew and others who have tried JPLAY and like it, what OS are you using? I am using Server 2012 with Audiophile Optimizer. When I tried JPLAY I didnt hear any difference. I wonder if its because the Optimizer already does a very good job tweaking the PC for audio playback.

I will give the latest version a try.