Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables

Let's hear from the people who auditioned or bought Elrods new Silver or Gold cables and tell us what you think.I bought 7 Gold power cords and was totally blown away,anybody else?

Yes, the JE LA 300 ME is an amazing upgrade over my already excellent LA 150 mk II. Well worth the money.

Checked the Elrod Power System web page and I was hoping the Silver would do the trick but looks like I'll audition both Silver and Gold and see how it goes............after I win the lottery :-)


Sorry guys, a question just marginally out of topic. . . how many hours are required to break in 100% the JE LA 300 ME? . . . and by that I mean, to reach a point where it no longer opens further, improves, etc. . .? but is musically/sonically stable, except for the usual dayly warm up time before listening. Thank you. Guido
""how many hours are required to break in 100% the JE LA 300 ME?"

Dear Guido,

different people - different experience. I was literally shocked then I was able to appreciate late prototype of Joule-Electra LA-300ME and the rest "opening and more and more musicality and better bass etc" was relatively small scale events - for me. With others (may be people who were familiar with LA-150 MkII - which was the winner of HP of TAS Golden Ear Award - and I know, now, for godd reasons) - about 1000 hours - so I heard.

Jim: If you can audition both Silver and Gold Elrod power cords with LA-300ME - kindly report us. I don;t have much experience with Silver power cord. Where I do have substantial experience is with all (but the most expensive) levels of David speaker cables. I feel (FEEL - did not measured...) that if Silver may be the best speaker cable in the world then Gold is out of this world and while you will recognize family resemblance - they are NOT equal.

Sorry, I know many people want to and do think "its only cable - big deal, who cares" and until you try you don;'t know.... For me its like explanation of the positives of air conditioner in warm hot climate - you got to experience it during Middle East "humsin" - wind from the desert to really comprehend and appreciate it...

Yours truly,

could anyone describe what the elrod gold power cable does or does not do, per the sound of a stereo system ?

Mr T,
Since you are a reviewer, I would suggest getting one or both models, trying them in your reference system, of course allowing sufficient break-in time, and report to us what you hear or don't hear. I look forward to your impressions.