Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).
"08-01-14: Grannyring
Now I simply load a CD and relax. Until there is a simple one box solution
and it is as easy as loading a CD, I am not going back to computer based audio."

Grannyring,I could not agree more!!! A single one-box solution seems like a totally doable request from any reputable high-end audio manufacturer in this day and age. After all... this is 2014!!!
Joecasey, Hi, I would like to bring to your attention that all the proof about any damn usb cable is inferior, however, the DLNA you are doing is better than usb cable!, Congrats!, To make this understood, there is NO true computer audio if you are going through a Dac,, what is a cd-player?, What is a Dac and a transport, mmm, Not tring to be funny here, A dac and a trans port is essentially a cd-player split in Half!, so, If any one uses a Dac in their computer set-up, they are truly running half computer audio!, I have run experiments many times of real computer audio useing the computers volume control to a reciever, intergrated amp, straight to an amp, ha, ha, Lousy to say the least!, now let's get to the profound part of the facts, first off, their will never be a $15,000.00 usb cable, The technology of usb does not allow for such technology!, I cannot come to terms as to why people believe cables do not make a difference, I can litterally put a $300.00 Yamaha cd-player up against any top flight computer audio source with a top usb cable, or DNLA to transport the audio, not fricken Data!, and use a profound interconnect like a Tara labs Zero Gold 1-meter interconnect and shockingly out-perform the computer audio, How do I know this, LOL!, I have done it and own the Damn cables to prove it!, sorry if I got frustrated here, It just is none since about tring to achieve world class audio with a half computer audio or true computer audio.
08-02-14: Audiolabyrinth
Joecasey, Hi, I would like to bring to your attention that all the proof about any damn usb cable is inferior, however, the DLNA you are doing is better than usb cable!, Congrats!, To make this understood, there is NO true computer audio if you are going through a Dac,, what is a cd-player?, What is a Dac and a transport, mmm, Not tring to be funny here, A dac and a trans port is essentially a cd-player split in Half!, so, If any one uses a Dac in their computer set-up, they are truly running half computer audio!, I have run experiments many times of real computer audio useing the computers volume control to a reciever, intergrated amp, straight to an amp, ha, ha, Lousy to say the least!, now let's get to the profound part of the facts, first off, their will never be a $15,000.00 usb cable, The technology of usb does not allow for such technology!, I cannot come to terms as to why people believe cables do not make a difference, I can litterally put a $300.00 Yamaha cd-player up against any top flight computer audio source with a top usb cable, or DNLA to transport the audio, not fricken Data!, and use a profound interconnect like a Tara labs Zero Gold 1-meter interconnect and shockingly out-perform the computer audio, How do I know this, LOL!, I have done it and own the Damn cables to prove it!, sorry if I got frustrated here, It just is none since about tring to achieve world class audio with a half computer audio or true computer audio.
Keep it coming. Can't make this stuff up, folks. LOL!
If you are not computer literate or don't want to take the time and effort to optimize a computer, just get one of the superb servers from Antipodes audio in New Zealand. Best sounding server you can buy IME. Then add your favorite USB DAC or a USB converter and ANY DAC.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Until I can try and afford something like the Antipodes (check out Darko's review & Steve's recommendations) I'll just add another +1 for Grannyrigs' insightful and welcome post.

(Sorry about the long hyperlink but there's no way I know of to edit it. I even went to the Apple store and they were of no help, and slightly embarrased)

All the best,