Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?

A pair of Franck Tschang's tuned interconnects (see Six Moons reviews) are still breaking in, in my system, but they have already "stomped" my Harmonic Technology Magic 2, HT Pro-Silway III+, and Van den Hul Orchid. While I don't have any at present, from memory I'd also say that they handily vanquish the Nordost Valhalla and Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects in my system. They are not HiFi spectacular, but are the most musical and least electronic sounding cables I've ever heard. Interestingly, several recording that have always sounded compressed and confused in spots, which I just attributed to the recording, are rendered cleanly for the first time with these cables and no other system changes.
Pani, while we're at it... and since the thread is duly hijacked anyway...

Have you heard the offerings from Q-audio or from Tellurium Q? The latter were awarded Product of the Year (2010) by HiFi+. Both lines are quite affordable.

Also, do you know much about the construction and design of the Crimson stuff? No info on Austin Hifi's website...
If Pani has an Einstein Preamp their sound is very foward, clean and detailed. I could see why he may not like the ASI. One is blaming the cable when they maybe should be blaming the source.
03-10-11: Jwm
If Pani has an Einstein Preamp their sound is very foward, clean and detailed. I could see why he may not like the ASI. One is blaming the cable when they maybe should be blaming the source.
Jwm (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Pani auditioned an Einstein CD player and don't own an Einstein preamp.

I think Liveline works well with Einstein. A local audiophile replaced his all Stealth Indra/Dream with Livelines in his Einstein MK60 OTL amp, Acapella LaCampanella and I think Shindo preamp early last year and have no desire to change.
Knghifi is right. I dont own an Einstein preamp. In fact I have only heard it once in a showroom. I own a tube preamp from a boutique brand called Acoustic Portrait. It is not at all forward, it sounds very close to a Shindo Auriges preamp. We did an A-B in my previous setup and it was really difficult to tell them apart.
The preamp in Pani's system uses metal film resistors & metallized polypropylene capacitors plus an Alps volume control. I have never heard on but based on my experience so far, the metal film resistors are used for speed and clarity with an ALPS volume control. Comparing this to Charles1dads Coincident DHT preamp, they are completely different sounding. Transformer coupled DHT already has a clarity and tone that most capacitor preamps cannot offer and the Coincident also uses a TVC volume control that offers resolution that the ALPS cannot even approach. BTW Charles, you should consider using Shinkoh resistors in the preamp. I have found them to offer the most emotion of all of the resistors that I have tried. In the preamp that I designed, you can switch between 6 different resistors so that you can tune the sound to your preamp without having to choose a cable to taylor your system sound.

Happy Listening.