New Audience Ultra High Resolution Adept Response

Has anyone had some experience with the latest power conditioners from audience. I read from the website that they use aura teflon capacitors and are available for ar6 and ar12 models.
My local dealer has no interest in bringing them in and therefore does not have any information other than what is found on the website.
I read that Audience has a new power cord for their conditioners as well which is much better than the original.I beleive the price is $2400. for the cord and makes a vast difference.

I have the original adept response. I see you can have the original upgraded to the new version.
Yes, We had the aR2p unit. It was nice, but I wasn't "taken" by it. Very lighweight sound, not at all like the aR1p unit. We returned it, and got the 2p-T instead, after seeing the rapturous reviews. "What the heck, if it isn't Nirvana, we needn't keep it." Dream on. It came. It saw. It conquered.
HI I have AUDIENCE 6T i had ps audio P300 Audience 6T has much more dynamic quieter MUCH MUCH Deeper wider soundstage!! I also Tried Nordost THOR. AUDIENCE 6T just much better in evey way!!
What I would love is to have someone compare the Nordost, the Synergistic and the Audience. I have to say, the Audience is by far the most advanced component I've ever had. There really is nothing that made my system sound as completely "real" as this. I do not say that my system sounds like "the absolute sound," only that at the 100 hour mark, it brings one the sense of the "action" of instruments (i.e., flutes project upward, tubas "downward" (and everywhere), brass sounds like a person is playing it instead of mere notes being played. There's little point in writing to convince anyone: if you can't hear, after the 100-hour break-in, how completely it allows music to resemble the way it sounds in a concert hall, then you may just not be familiar with what real music sounds like.

Is there a difference between the Audience and the Bryston Torus conditioner?