Retail pricing in classified ads

I have noticed that a lot of people that place classifieds ad are misleading with the actual retail price of the item up for sale. I am always careful to use the correct MSRP when placing a classified. It's a little frustrating to me to see others use false pricing information. Especially on products that I own or have owned and know first hand what the price actually is. My only advice to sellers not knowing the retail price is to leave that selection blank as some people do. Does anyone else have any opinions on this subject?
Yes, it happens, but it happens in almost all sales fields, not just audio. Car dealers do the same thing. That doesn't justify it, but the buyer should do his homework, and let the buyer beware. One more thing, sometimes the MSRP changes over time. I've seen items list price rise over the years for the same model number (just like other fields). My amp list for $5950 when new in 1999, but I noticed that 5 years earlier the same amp list for $5450.
Does it bother me? Not really. I've been in this hobby for about 25 years, long enough to know how to do my homework on perspective purchases. Check out feedback, get the serial number and check with the maufacturer for origin dates and repair records, and if I find the guy/gal inflated the MSRP, I let them know what the true MSRP is, and move on.
Believe it or not, many times it's an innocent mistake. The seller just doesn't do their homework and find out the true MSRP. Most aren't trying to mislead, they just don't know. So they take an educated guess instead of spending the time to find out.
Retail prices do change. I bought a Sony DVD Player when it first came out at $1600 a little over a year ago and now the retail is $1200. Sometimes it truly depends on when you bought it and what you paid at that time. I'm not saying this is the case in every circumstance but perhaps some.
I know that the MSRP can change, that is definitely true. Just yesterday I read an ad for a pair of speakers I used to own. These speakers are almost 100 percent of the time listed with incorrect retail pricing. This ad said the speakers retailed for close to 800 dollars. That is completely wrong. Also, not two minutes ago I read an ad for an amplifier I own and the seller stated it is a stereophile class B component. Stereophile has never reviewed this amplifier. It just seems to me the ads are getting more untruthful as time goes on.
I would not be so concerned about the M.S.R.P. as the price the seller is charging for the item being sold. Everything being sold at retail has a high mark up. So even if the seller has the wrong retail price, forget it .If you want the item and can reach a acceptable price than everyone is happy.
Do I take the prices at face value in an ad? No way! If I am in the market to buy something, I do my homework and KNOW what the costs are. At the end of the day, I am the only one responsible for one else - if I don't take responsibility, I don't (won't) depend on anyone to do it for me.
what's the saying? fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. (corny, but true)
