Cable suggestions for new system?

I have, with the help of a number of very generous audiogoners, finally arrived at a system I like: Creek Classic 5350 SE Integrated, Rotel 1072 CD Player, and B&W 703 speakers. Currently I have inexpensive Transparent speaker cables and interconnects, and as I've heard others describe these as "cloudy", I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions re: what might work better toward achieving an overall balance of warmth and detail.
Ryder: actually, to my very treble-sensitive ears the Creek amp is not bright at all, in combination with the Rotel. With these components, I wouldn't want to use a less detailed speaker than the B&W's.
Thorman and Tvad: I will look into your cable suggestions. Thanks!
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I also like the RSAD cables. They are well constructed and provide a nice transparent and smooth presentation. Lately, I have also been enjoying the Oritek X-1 and X-2 cables. The X-1s are an excellent value for the price.
Tvad: "cable lending library"? Never heard of that-- just another example of why audiogon is so valuable. Thanks, Tvad! Does anyone have experience with the low-cost Cobalt cables???????