Opinions on speaker cable upgrade

I've been on an upgrade binge and want to upgrade my Acoustic Zen Satori Shotguns. Amp/preamp are tubed. Speakers are Von Schweikert 4 Jrs. If PAD Venustas were less expensive (and more available used), I'd go for those. I need biwired cable. Detail,and imaging important. I'd prefer hearing from those who are familiar with the AZ Satoris and/or the Venustas. Thanks in advance for all of your input. Budget is $1500 used.

I like my Venustas, but they're single run. If you want a real bargain in a bi-wire, however, I'd like to suggest you keep an eye out for a PAD Musaeus. You'll get the same effective AWG (amount of wire) as in a single run of Venustas and therefore the same (or very close to the same) great sonics.
Satori Shotguns are very good. But why not consider Double Barrel if you want to step up? I think that is Hologram/Satori combo. Give Lee a call an see what he says.
In any case, I beleive it'll be pretty tough to beat the Satori Shotgun.
I use biwired Venustas in a very high resolution system. They may be too laid back for a tube pre/amp combo. You might want to consider something in the Nordost family, e.g., SPM or Valkyrie, which might be more compatible with your electronics. Just one man's opinion.

My System:
Wyetech Opal Pre - Krell 300cx amp - Dodson 218 DAC - CEC TL-1X trans, RAM modded - Von Schweikert VR5 HSE spkrs. Valhalla, AQ Sky IC's, Stealth Sextet digicable.