Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
I got a chance to listen to the NEW Rapture AC cord and the NEW Revelation II AC cord and gotta tell you "he did it again"
Designs keep improving on what I thought was un-improvable.
The Revelation II cord made my room sound twice it's size with staging,body,warmth and detail.
Man, it's hard to put what I heard into words .How can a single AC Cord do this.

I then tried the Rapture AC cord and heard pace,authority,textures and detail I did not think were possible just by switching out a single AC cord.

I was told that the Revelation II cord uses a blend of Gold,Silver and Copper in the conductors.
The cord is fatter than the original Revelation AC Cords that have a yellow jacket and it was designed to go with the Revelation line-up
Although the cord is thicker than the original
it is just as flexible.
The appearance is nicer too with it's Black and Gold jacket.

The Rapture I was told is sort of a Hybrid design using conductors that are silver plated gold and copper along with conductors that are made with a combination of Platinum,Gold,Silver and copper.

The Rapture AC cord has the same thickness and flexibility as the Revelation II with a very cool looking Black/blue jacket.

I need 1 of both!!!!!

Gotta go now and "rob a bank" to pay for some new cords
I've borrowed a pair of the interconnects from a friend and have been trying to win a pair on auction.The interconnect did the same thing in my system.I was told to be surprised when I dropped in the pair but I did not expect to hear what I did.Hopefully I can start putting a few of these cables into my system slowly but surely.
Bob,what do you think I should go with first?
Interconnects?speaker wire? or an AC cord?
I'd like to do them all but looking at the auctions only to save some dough.
hi donpark1439 I started with an interconnect first between my source and pre and got incredible results ,and this was with the Extreme interconnect"I now use the Revelations'".I'd say start with the interconnects and go to the speaker wire next.The icing on the cake and the rest of the desert comes at the end of the meal with the AC Cords.BTW-I don't think you will see any auctions for Extreme's ,looking at the ad it looks like they're being replaced soon,regardless go with the Revelation interconnect if budget allows.Hope this helps
Bob thanks for the advice I'll keep an eye for auctions or maybe I'll just buy a Revelation interconnect outright to get started
Priz, I just received the Audio Metallurgy GA Os and on first listen I was un-impressed, however, I turned the direction of the cables around and there was a big difference - much more clarity and presence. I would not have thought much about trying that except I re-called a reviewer mentioning the difference. Not sure if this is a factor with your experience or not; just a thought.