Power cord upgrade on subwoofer

Any recommendations on power cord upgrade for HSU sub?

Did you read the manual carefully first?

Recently I was going to upgrade power cord(I lost the original) for my REL sub, I discovered the manual says 'Only use the power cord supplied'

I contacted the manufacturer why that is, what I need to do with the lost power cord.
You have an excellent point and I did read the manual, its about 1 page. I posted on the HSU website and they strongly suggested I dont do it cause I can use the money to upgrade and that I shouldnt believe in "snake oil".
That sounds like a good reason, but who is "they", HSU engineers and peoples or anonymous posters?

I'm still waiting for some answers from REL myself.

I think what I want to make sure is that 'at minimum' what I was trying to do (getting after market PC or using power conditioner, etc) will not degrade the performance or do any real harm.

If I'm assured of that, I can experiment things...