Discovery cables....

ANyone own or previously own Discovery spk or interconnects? Initial comments? Looking a slightly smooth sound with decent detail and nice bottom end?
I totally agree with Kennyb's comments. The Essence is just superb in everyway. I think what Reb1208 discovered for the first time is actually how his system really sounds.
Both my Triplanar VII and my Durand Talea tonearms are wired with Discovery. World-class tonearms with world-class wiring.
I really like the sound of Discovery Cables especially the Plus Four and The Essence. The Plus Four tonearm cables is God send. (Yes there is Kondo LPZ tonearm which is wonderful but it cost $5300) I think Discovery Cables is excellent for its neutrality without sound clinical nor hifi-ish. The price is right and the sound is just natural.