Warmish, good tracker & low noise for used vinyl?

Hello folks - Of the carts listed, can anyone say from experience which would be warmest with good tracking and low surface noise playing used vinyl? On the radar: Denon DL-103, DL-110, Ortofon S30, Nagaoka M-150. Like what i've read about Grado but put off by reports of hum and that it's not a great tracker. Not too interested in highly detailed or anything with potential for being "bright" so avoiding the AT150MLX. Would like to keep cost below $400. System listed but it's for a KAB SL1210M5G (w/fluid damper) + Heed Quasar phono-pre (can do LOMC). Running a Stanton cart w/Pickering elliptical. Like the warmth quite a bit but could do with a bit wider and deeper stage. So looking for a replacement option given no more of the Pickering styli left. Listen to EVERYTHING (...well, almost...don't play rap or death metal). Thanks for your input.
I have used EVERY one of these carts and the Nag MP-150 is the best and not by a little bit.
The best I have heard solely on used vinyl suppression is the Sumiko Oyster, which though "cheap" is tuneful.
Ghosthouse- Thanks for that info. I just never had any type of that problem with the many I have owned over the past thirty plus years. Good luck in your search!
Clean your used vinyl well and be very picky when buying it in the first place. Look closely, under different lighting conditions. Then use whatever cartridge you chose. Still, always a bit of a crap shoot whether used or new. It ain't the cartridge. It's the vinyl. You buy bad vinyl, it's your own fault. It happens to us all but it's your fault, not the cartridge's. Some of my used vinyl is among the best I own. Then again, I've bought a lot of bad stuff too. Play bad vinyl on a $150 MM or a $10,000 MC. It's still bad vinyl. I've done both. My advise is not to go too pricey on the cartridge. Look for good vinyl. It sounds good on either. Save the other $9500 for retirement so you can play more vinyl. You deserve it.
Thanks ALL...
Schubert, appreciate your comments. Most recently leaning towards a Nag; maybe raise the ante a bit and go for the 200.
Sonofjim...little risk of me spending $10K on a cart (that's actually kind of humorous if you knew me). While I try to be "selective' and do clean (AI solutions, steam and vacuum) it's the hidden groove wear that's killer as you know. Was thinking some stylus geometries might be better at contacting a less damaged part of the groove...but it's a gamble as you point out. OK. Further comments absolutely appreciated. Thanks again to all.