Just got my Audio Desk Systeme LP cleaner...

In 2 days since receiving it I have cleaned over 30 LP's. It works extremely well and is truly a "set it and forget it" machine from start to finish. Playback results are as good or better than what I have gotten from my Loricraft PRC-3. The Loricraft is a great machine, the Audio Desk is much more efficient and convenient to use and allows me more time to listen to music while cleaning many more records. I am very impressed by it and shall be selling the Loricraft.
Who in their right mind would sell their auto desk ?
Best record cleaner ever, all things considered.
Rockitman, you know, when you are really honest, that you have absolutely no idea from technical connections. Your joy is to spend money, that is ok.
Hey Syntax...still ripping off American's with Dertonearm ? What a tool you are...lol
Well, Rocky, your goal is to be unfair when your opinion is not shared. Still
using your misaligned Phantom Arm? Sorry, that you didn't find that problem on
your own...When I remember right, you got that advice for free :-)
Btw. I don't do any business with anyone, but you know that of course. No,
sorry, others wrote that, you did read it, but you didn't understand. Not my
No, the mint lp aligns my Coralstone just perfectly...thank you for asking...How's that crap soldered OmyGod e gon ripp off pre amp selling and sounding ? Quit while your ahead Mr. Crook and Co....and have a great day. Over and out.