SME 312 or SME 312S for a Technics SP10 mkII

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if I should go with a SME 312 tonearm ($1500 USD) or a SME 312S ($4000 USD) for a Technics SP10 mkII project. I'll probably use it with a panzerholz plinth and a moving coil cartridge (actually I have a Dynavector DV20X).

There is a good difference of price between the old SME's 312 serie and the new one. Does it worth it? Is there some of you who had the chance to compare them?



Salut Sebastien,

I am delighted your Technics is in great shape; that's not always the case. Good for you.

Malhereusement our comparison was not remotely fair. My Technics, though speed accurate, has , a fine tonearm (Acos Lustre STA-801) but is somewhat limited by the the original rubber platter mat, poor alignment and a Dynavector 20X-L ($800) cartridge with an off-center cantilever. This was compared to Peter's SME 10 with V 9" arm using Air Tight PC-1 cartridge ($7,000); in simple terms, a mis-match for comparing the two tables due to the inequality of cartridges and the alignment problems with my TT.

Nonetheless, the tables were both pretty good. There was more mirco detail with the SME, better treble extension and a darker background. The bass from the Dynavector, surprisingly, held its own with the Air Tight, both in amount and control. Overall the SME was more coherent, involving and more 'musical', as I would put it, but bear in mind I have no alignment jig for my Dynavector cartridge, and Peter is diligent, patient and experienced with TT setup while I am a rank novice. Peter also has a Mint protractor created exclusively for his arm-cartridge combination. Another reason our comparison was flawed. Factor those in, and I'd say the Technics did more than hold its own, and showed promise for the future when I learn to 'dial it in'.

I've just secured a top of the line Benz LP-S cartridge, and will mount that in my Talea One tonearm, then try the same cartridge in the SME V 9" arm that belongs to my friend Peter. *That* should teach us something.

Have you considered contacting Albert Porter? He is one of the very most knowledgeable people about the Technics TTs.

I've made a couple of new armboards for the Porter Plinth. As soon as possible I will initiate the tonearm comparison. *Then* there may be something to write about.

In the meantime,

Very Best Wishes,

Cdk84, I recently picked up a Micro Seiki CU-180 TT mat for my SP-10 mk2a and it made a world of difference to the noise floor of my TT. If you are still using the rubber mat I highly recommend the CU-180.
Hi David,

Like I said above: "I'm actually on an exchange of emails with Albert and I must admit that he is really patient even tough I asked him a lot of questions regarding his plinth and the Technics SP-10 mkII in the last week..."

Plus, I've order last week-end a SME 312S arm, a Denon DL-103R and a Nagaoka MP-50 cartridges.

To Sarcher30: I'm very interested by the Micro Seiki copper mat, but for the beginning, I'll probably go with a Boston Audio mat 1.

Have a good day,

Sebastien, Sounds like your on the right track. Though I have no experience with the SME arms it makes sense to get the 312s to me. Better arm material and wiring.

I have the Boston Audio mat 1 as well. It's a good mat and definitely better than the stock rubber mat. The CU-180 is expensive and hard to find but it's worth it IMO.

Good luck with your SP-10 mk2. It's very good when it is optimized.
