Shun Mook Record Weight

Is Shun Mook still around? Where can i find one of these weights??
Shun Mook fakes are good as long as they are made out of dried gabon ebony and you DON'T pay Shun Mook prices. A lot of TT owners are going center weight with a periphery rings for resonance control.
A shun mook is a shun mook. A fake is a fake. Just like everything else. I own one of these along with many other high end record weights/clamps. By far my favoirite in terms of music reproduction.
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My now dead former neighbor Lars had the entire Mpingo disk treatment in his isolated sound room...installed by the Shun Mook dudes...absolute expensive audio exotica stuck to speakers, walls, on little stands...I'm not sure if it made much difference, but I now think I almost sort of semi understand it maybe.