TW Raven 10.5" Tonearm what cart are you using?

Hi, I would like owners or individules to chime in who have heard this arm and with what cart, what combo did they prefer and why?

My table is the TW Raven Black Knight, my plans are to have only two arms set-up on this table.

Arm 1. - REED 12", is currently set-up already paired up with a My Sonic Labs Ultimate BC cart and I'm lovin it.

Arm 2. - TW 10.5 arm which is actually already mounted but haven't decided which cart as of yet to pair up with it.

I do have a few on my SHORT list, see below in no order;

- Lyra Olympos
- Ortofon MC A90
- Transfiguration Orpheus L
- Dynavector XV-1T

My set-up consist of;

- TW Black Knight table placed on a custom made Minus K
- MBL 101E speakers
- VAC Sig. MK2a pre with phono built in
- VAC Statement 450 mono blocks
- Stealth Audio cables through out
Dev, Great system !!!
If the Reed and Ultimate BC rings your bell then I would think that you may want to go in a different direction with the 10.5.
The Dyna XV-1t pairs very well with it.
I believe Audioblazer is correct and the Cadenza Black is awaiting my eventual purchase of the 10.5
Hi Goldeneraguy,
thanks I'm truely enjoying it, thanks for your input.

In relation to the carts, after hearing the A90 I actually will say I preferred it over my XV-1s. Jeff mentioned that Ortofon Cadenza Black cart also to me along with the A90 and XV-1t.

Guess I need to find some others with these in them and have a listen, still this is hard because of all the other differences so in the end I might just have to buy and try my self etc.
I have heard three of the four, and put them in this order:

1 - Lyra Olympos (detailed, but musical)
2 - Dynavector XV-1T (lively and musical)
3 - Ortofon MC A90 (It's not my cup of tea, but I don't believe you can get a new one, anyway.)

I have no idea about the Transfiguration Orpheus L, but it is highly regarded.
Dev, you are right on.If you are auditioning a cartridge (or any other component for that matter)in a system that you are not familiar with it is extremely difficult(possibly impossible)to pin down which component is doing what.
You have put together a top tier system,I'm sure which ever cartridge you select will be the correct one for you.
Goldeneraguy, auditioning new pces as we know is bad enough but doing such with carts personally is my least favorite due to what is involved.

So for now two are on my real short list because I have personally heard, Olympos and A90.

Mosin, thanks for your input but currently there are actually a couple brand new A90 for sale as I write this. You mentioned "it's not your cup of tea" did you happen to own one? if so what did you not like about it.