1st song you remember???

OK, not a mindbender of a thread but a fun one.

The absolute first song I really heard and remembered
was the theme to Davey Crockett, which year...1954 or 55. I was either 4 or 5. 1st "rock" song: Blueberry Hill by Fats
Domino, 1955 or 56. I was at a friends house and he had a
much older brother who had this 45 record player playing
this song over and over. Funny how you remember things. By the way I did have a Davey Crockett coonskin cap with tail.
Right you are Ozfly - this "Threads" vs. "Answers" stuff always crosses me up! Thanks for taking the transposing trouble on my behalf, I haven't figured out how to do that yet either. You are a scholar and a gentleman! :-)
My earliest clear musical memory is riding in a school bus in first grade, and all the older kids were singing "All My Loving." That would be Spring of '64, of course.
Richie Valens's "Donna" is the one that comes to mind, though I'm sure I heard any number of Gene Autry songs before that. Of course, it might have been "Las Mañanitas," but not as a recording.

Judit, "Jesus Loves Me" has got to be the answer for a lot of people.

I recall being infatuated with Chim-Chimeny-Cheroo (or whatever it's called) from Mary Poppins in pre-school.

I also recall being very excited as a child when "Margaritaville" came on the radio in my parents' car.
First memory at home:
The sound track to How the West was Won with Debbie Renyolds. My dad would play it every Sunday after church. I especially liked "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"

First memory from radio/school:
Beatles-I Wanna Hold Your Hand, or was it She Loves You?

First 45 I bought with my own money:
Indian Reservation-Paul Revere and the Raiders
