VPI Classic and new cartridge - which one?

Dear All,

I have a VPI Classic table + the trimmings (sds, clamp, vta tower) with a dynavector xx2 mkii into my c2300.

I am looking to get a new cartridge offering all round improvements in performance. The obvious step would be the xv1-s, but I have read that this might be topped by other newer models now.

I am keeping my options open and am considering:

Ortofon A90
Transfiguration Orpheus
Lyra Titan i

I like the musicality of my xx2 and would not be prepared to go for an uber analytical cartridge - some have told me that I should avoid the Lyra in that case.

Wondering whether I should consider others and whether anyone has experience with these cartridges with a vpi table.

Avoid Lyra cartridges? Where does this stuff come from? It's Horsehockey! These cartridges work FINE with VPI unipivot arms. I have a Helikon and an Argo i and they both work great on my Aries2/JMW 10.5i. I have also consulted with Jonathan Carr on the newest designs; there is no problem.
HW's cartridge of choice for his personal use is the LP-S. Be sure to get a heavier (180 grm) counterweight
yep - got the heavier counter weight from my dealer free when I traded up to this cartridge.
What a great set-up! I have the Classic with the Lyra Delos and I'm in analogue nirvana every weekend, but your combo is in a different class altogether. It gives me something to look forward to one day when I can upgrade my cartridge. Congratulations!