ARC Ref phono 2 vs ASR Basis Excl 2010

Anyone have experience with the ARC reference phono 2 yet? It's quite new... I kind of don't want to be the first to dive in. I read the JV review but of course he has nothing but glamourous things to say about all ARC products. I do like the functionality of the Ref Phono 2... seems like it would be easy to work with as everything can be done via the remote control.

Lots of people here seems to love the ASR. I don't think I can go wrong with it at least.

I have RFI problems currently (could be caused by cabling) so one requirement is it must be good at rejecting interference.
Interesting that you liked the AR Ref phono 2 better than the Ypsilon. I believe that Michael Fremer commented that he liked the Ypsilon much better than the AR that he heard at this year's CES; I guess everyone is different...

I liked the AR Ref Phono quite a bit; most powerful sound I have ever heard come out of my KHorns; powerful, with GRUNT, but with all the beauty, detail, transparency, and realism I am looking, if I just had $12k....
Hi Stickman, what Mike Fremer said back in January on 'Gon was, "I have only heard the Ref 2 at CES this past week. I found the bottom end a bit fat and out of control, which is what I found on the PH7 too. I know because we brought the admittedly far more expensive Ypsilon VPS100 into the room (it was the Continuum room) to audition for the CEO of Atlantic Records and the difference was enormous--and the Ypsilon is also tubes. I liked much of what the ARC Ref 2 did, but if you have a full range system and a turntable that has deep, solid bass, i believe the Ref 2 will not provide you with all that your system and/or turntable can offer you. Just my opinion..."

I replied, "I agree with you on PH7 in a full range system Mike and sold mine for that reason, with not many hours. Just bought a Ref 2 and its away getting modified right now - will post how that turns out.
I heard what Ypsilon pre & power amps can do driving the big SoundLabs in Singapore with a Thales t/t set-up, made me think about my own system and how inadequate it sounded in some areas. Bit a out of my budget."

I can now say that IMO: the ARC Ref phono 2 modded by GNS does NOT sound a bit fat & out of control in my full range system, and has deep solid bass.
I think something is very wrong here. Either ARC is hosing people with the price of the ARC REF 2 because it is essentially an unfinished product which must be sent off to be modded right away to fix all of things that ARC negelected or people are just plain crazy. What does GNS do besides swap caps and resistors and high speed diodes?? Does their mods really make the ARC *better* or is it just more spices added to the mix due to the new flavors of their passive parts? Does GNS actually modify the design of the circuit or are we simply talking about parts swapping? If GNS is so smart, how come they don't design and sell their own products instead of *fixing* other designs?

I understand sending a vintage piece back to its maker to have passive parts upgraded. I have done that myself with my Counterpoint gear. But my gear was made in the 1980s, not in 2010! I would not buy a very expsensive brand new piece of gear only to have to send it off and spend thousands more on it with some parts swapping outfit. For the prices ARC charges, you should expect to have really great passive parts used already. Something is wrong here people.