15,000 LP's - What to do with records?

Yes, 15,000.

This was acquired from a private collector - mostly (approximately 90%) have never been spun. Each with protective covers, each stored in proper indoor temperatures and style.

Going through now making a list, but not excited about selling one, two, three at a time.

You guys know any shops that would pay properly for such a huge lot?
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SteveAudio, standard A4 paper box will hold about 50 albums. 15,000 records would be 300 boxes. That's 6 boxes wide, by 10 deep, by 5 high. It's about 3000kg of records. And in listening terms, it is about 10 sides every night, including vacation, for four years.
T-bone -- your math's a bit optimistic. At 10 sides/per (i.e. 5 records) that's more than 8 years!:) Regards
I bought 1200 various titled LPs in varying condition (junk to new) at $150 from ebay. It was a local sale.
I salvaged about 100 for my own collection. I sold some I don't care at Amazon for $5~$30.
I would suggest you to put a bulk of 100 LPs on ebay according to their genre. Jazz and classicals with major recording company will pay most ($2+ per LP). Easy listening may not pay as much.
You are right. It's 8 years. I was thinking that when I wrote it and I still managed to divide by 2. Ouch! :^)
What gets me is: "(approximately 90%) have never been spun. Each with protective covers, each stored in proper indoor temperatures and style."

How old are they? Genres, labels, etc? If these are LP's that would sell for $10 each individually, then that's.....a lot of cabbage. Could be a good 2nd income, Of Course you might be 70 by the time you sold them all.