Cartridge Loading

I just purchased a Benz Ace with .8mv output. The requirements are loading of > 200 ohms. I do not want to spend time trying to determine if 400 ohms sound better than 600 ohms If anyone has experience with the Benz and could give me a resistance that will work well I would appreciate it. Thanks Geroge
I do not want to spend time trying to determine if 400 ohms sound better than 600 ohms
Then you will never know - because nobody else can tell you.

In addition to the factors mentioned by Newbee, the technically optimum loading for any LOMC depends on all the other components in the system, including the room. Anyone who tells you they know a LOMC's ideal impedance only knows it for their setup. Whether the same setting would be ideal in yours is anyone's guess.

If plug-n-play better suits your style, I'd suggest sticking to MM's. You'll save both money and time. LOMC's not only cost more, they take more work if you care about sound (and I assume you do, else you wouldn't have asked).

Sorry if that's not the answer you were hoping for - but IME it's the answer that's true.
Dougdeacon, so you consider the loading of an MC cartridge to be an "equalizer" or "tone control" to compensate for deficiencies in the system/room? What would be the correct loading assuming that your system is perfectly neutral and located in an acoustically perfect room?
There are those who believe that there is only one correct load and that is the one which achieves "critical dampening." From my own experience, the correct load is very much system dependent. Phono stages, in particular, seem to be quite dramatically different in the way they interact with particular cartridges. I agree with Doug that the only way to tell is to try different loading.

At a minimum, try something near 200 ohms, and almost unloaded (47 kilo ohms). Most of the big changes in sound will be down near the 200 ohm range. For example, the difference between 200 ohm and 300 ohms will probably be bigger than the difference between 1 kilo ohm and 47 kilo ohms). Keep that in mind if you are trying to minimize the number of trials.

As a pure guess, a manufacturer's recommendation for a loading of 200 ohm and higher means that the manufacturer thinks the cartridge works pretty well with very little loading. I would not be surprised if 47k works well in setups where there is no tendency toward excessive brightness or upper frequency distortion.
what is the suggested range from Benz?
You may want to start with 1k since that is the stock load from a Benz phono amp.
However, everyone above is right. MC cartridges can "potentially" sound the best, but only if the right work is done.They are not plug and play.This is one of the reasons that MC builders also make their own step-up or phono section. So if you bought a Benz Lukushek you would probably be alright, but not necessarily optimized.
Loading is all part of what I call "the charm of analog".
With a good analog rig, there is so much to do;VTA,VTF,azimuth,loading,are all part of the fun.And all worth the trouble.
Indeed, some of us, see this as a opportunity to experiment and strive for more knowledge and better sound.

If you want plug and play,get a CD player.
but you will lose the charm,,and the sound.

have fun it's a hobby

First, I also agree with Doug, Larry & others that a correct load is very much system dependent in which listening room is also a main factor. Though in theory for a cart with 25-ohm "actual" internal impedance(sometimes 25 ohms is just a nominal value +/- a few %), 200 to 300 ohms resistor loading seems a reasonable point to start with. With 0.8mV output, an SUT(with 25-35 ohms transformer loading?)/head amp may not be as neccessary as LOMC.

Second, if another Benz Ace M user says he found 300 ohms is the best, you have to see his system whether it is similar or totally different from yours. There would be a large sonic deviation between the one uses 1000w solid state mono blocks for his giant multi-ways floor standing and the other uses 8-15w tube amp for a Fortex 8" full-range speakers.

Third, different cart manufacturers seem to have different approaches for their productions. So it is always better to have several impedance resistor loadings, in your case, say, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 47k ohms, etc.
