VPI hw19jr Audioquest PT-8 arm G-ring 1042 cart

My previous table was a Kab Technics w/ damper, Cardas, etc and I am waiting delivery of the VPI. With a budget of around $200-250 what would be a good phono cable for this to my CJ pre amp? Also what type of alignment tool would you reccommend for this? And finally, Am I going to be happy with this in comparison to my previous table?
I've owned both. The Technics is beautifully built and a good value. I prefer the sound of the VPI. To my years, it is more enjoyable and musical. Of course, others will disagree.
A comparison wold be very interesting to read. What cartrige were you using on the Technics and how did you like it? I would try the Denon DL160 at just under $200.00
I primarily used the Goldring 1042 cart with the Technics, it came highly recommended by Kevin at KAB and did not disappoint. At almost $400- it was a little more than I wanted to spend initially, but it was so nice with that table/arm that when it was damaged with under 100 hours on it I called Kevin and bought another one. The new table comes with a brand new 1042 so comparisons will be pretty easy. It took about 20 hours for the original cart to find its groove and took me the same to get it dialed in geometrically. I am going to have to pick up an alignment tool (Mint?) and spend some time getting this into it's ideal position. I really loved the Technics so the VPI is going to have to show me something. I will report what I find.
I was using the DL160 and I liked it quite a bit. There seems to be a better music flow with the VPI using the same cartridge and an Audioquest tonearm. For the new retail the Technics is quite a bargain.