Record Clamp for Well Tempered Turntable

I know this issue has been discussed a number of times on this forum, but I still need help. I have a Well Tempered Turntable Classic TT and use a Well Tempered record clamp, not the Reference Clamp, but not the small one either. I think my clamp is somewhere in between the two (it's bigger than the standard small clamp, but smaller than the Reference). It screws down on the record nicely.
I've been looking at other options, Sota Reflex; JA Michell, etc.
My questions are: Would any of these be a substantial improvement over my Well Tempered clamp? Anyone using these (or others) with a Well Tempered Turntable?
Ebuzz, I have never tried a mat on the Reference TT. It sounds great stock so I leave it alone.
I tried a felt mat when I had a WTT years ago, but I didn't like it. Seemed to take a little life away from the sound.
If upgrading your clamp is your latest desire, stick to the WTT and get the reference clamp. I have used mats on the WTT which I owned for many years. WTT never recommended a mat and I agree. The WTT is a very finely tuned TT and I would not recommend straying far from the original design. Want to make a big difference in your analog? Look at what your TT sits on and buy the best sounding interconnects you can get your hands on. Use The Cable Co. as your resource for this and try out interconnects 'til the cows come home. If you can find a Signal Guard platform with Polycrystal Points and a great cable match you will really have arrived at the best WTT you can own.
OK, so that's decided: No mat and I'll get the Reference Clamp. I have, however, been considering upgrading from my Grado Platinum cartridge to something nicer. Been looking at the Lyra Dorian or the ZYX R 1000. What cartridges have you experienced that are well-matched the table?