Allaerts down-repair or ??

After about a year in my system,the ECO has ceased to produce any sounds from the left-hand channel.After speaking with my dealer and Audio Advancements,I was told that it would take at least 6 months to get the cartridge repaired.After inquiring further,it appears as if 24 months or more may be the "real" time period.
Would having someone else take a "look" be an unwise course of action,as this would negate my "warranty".
Your thoughts?
Happy Holidays and thanks in advance for your response.
Dear Tpsonic: I did send the cartridge directly to Jan, but I live in Belgium and curiously we have no Allaerts dealers here. So I recommend that you send him an e-mail to ask him what is the best way to do that. Jan is a very helpful person, he will tell you the cost of repair and estimated time to do it. The repair prices are reasonable.
Best regards.
I got my MC1B in June this year after a 16 month wait; I had to be very patient. Based on my recollection, the Dealer in Singapore mentioned the retip/ repair takes a few months.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this cartridge,though it looks like I may need another,while this one is re-built/repaired.Am considering the Soundsmith "Voice" as the interum contender w/o over-spending.It sounds like an interesting cartridge.Can anyone comment on its' durability? I use the cueing on my Encounter arm,as I have limited vision dus to my diabetes (vitrectomy/cataracts).
Merry Christmas!
Did I read this correctly? The cartridge is just over a year old and now needs to be rebuilt, an operation that will take 1 to 2 years?
I have sent the cartridge to "The Soundsmith" to be evaluated.Upon determination of the problem,it will be forwarded to Allaerts for repair/re-build.Jan Allaerts has contacted me,after sending an e-mail.He stated that the cartridge was built in 2003 and that I should check the input of the phonostage for DC voltage.I understand the cartridge is now being built with a ruby cantilever,which I may have him add during its' repair.
Is it unusual for a cartridge built in 2003 to be sold as "new" by a dealer? As I understand it, these cartridges are in high demand and there is a wait for their delivery.
Thanks for all the help and comments.Best regards,Tom