SRA Isolation Platform under a Turntable

Has anyone used a SRA iso platform under their turntable? I have heard that amps and preamp benefit greatly from the SRA iso bases, but do turntables reap the same benefits, or are the improvements smaller?

I am using the VR 3.0 bases under my preamp and amp. This is one of the best upgrades I have ever done, but the cost to put one under my VPI Aries 2 Extended TT is pretty high, so I would like to get some opinions.
I can't say how much improvement it would offer in your case because I'm not familiar with your rack. In general though, I would say these platforms offer much more complete isoloation and vibration drainage than even a very good rack. Good isolation is not something that will blow you away with the changes you notice. It allows your table to do it's job more effectively without interference from vibration which I think evens out the tonal balance. If you find it jaw dropping or exciting beware-it's probably adding something to the picture that shouldn't be there.
With my rig the tonal balance did not need to be evened out, because it was there from the start. What the SRAs did was to open up the soundstage, give a tad more speed to dynamics, added slightly more air around instruments and rendered the entire musical presentation more natural and more "quiet".
To my ears, to answer Sunnyboy's question, adding them to my system was worth every penny.
More natural and more quiet. That's what I'm talking about. You may have had good tonal balance from the start but it sounds to me like the SRA improved it further.
The price I was quoted form Silent Running Audio for my VPI Aires 2 Extended (keep in mind this is a very large TT at 384 sq. inches) was $910 including shipping.