Has anyone heard the Kuzma 4 Point arm?

Since there is SO much great,original thinking going on in Audiogon these days(not from me)I thought I might scoop those curious folks,and provide some fuel for thought.

I've been following the "word of mouth" about this arm for quite some time.It just tweaked my interest,because it seemed such a novel idea(and I had bought a new arm in the last few months,though a different design)but I knew little about it....Until now!!

This arm has just gotten a "Product of the Year Award" from the latest HiFi Plus(Roy Gregory).He goes on to proclaim this "original" design as a breakthrough in analog replay!!!

I know,a "reviewer's opinion,but c'mon,it's fun! -:)

Now,in case you don't know,Roy Gregory has been thoroughly reviewing some amazing arms in the last few issues,and does seem to know a thing about analog replay,so his incredible enthusiasm for this new "4 Point" arm is eye opening!!

Of course I am very curious about the potential performance this arm can bring to the table,because I am SO enamored with the Air-Line arm,and if this is competitive,we might be able to get closer to a "linear's performance envelope"(though this one is a pivot).

You can download the review on the Kuzma web-site,so have a fun read.

Well,for the "only" reason that I am an overy curious nut,I've got to say the design looks to be stunning,from everything I've digested already(quite a bit actually).

I certainly love my Phantom,and the Graham seems to be the logical choice in the U.S. due to the weak dollar,but "this" design,not to mention the "incredible" review given by "the usually down to Earth" Roy Gregory,has my juices flowing....I' just a fan,no more.

One reason I started the thread.

If it's as good as I've heard,not to mention the apparent design strengths,I'll bet it becomes quite popular!

This definitely does not diminish my admiration of the Phantom,Tri,or other great arms, yet.....

This Roy Gregory review does seem to suggest that it is a "new dawn" in analog replay(his exact words),based on the design,and performance....

THAT is a BOLD statement!!!

I have a friend who knows R.G. and he suggests R.G. does not get this enthusiastic,unless the product is special.

Yeah,we'll be hearing about this alot I presume.

One of my audiophile friends owns the 4P, a Phantom and a Airline Arm.
He told me, when he compared those on his turntable, there is no clear winner. Each of these Arms has some lights, when I asked him, "is the 4P sonically better than the Phantom?" he said "no, they are different in some areas".
And I think so too, the 4P is a 11" Arm, R.G. prefers 12" in general, so I don't wonder about his Statement.
Thanks Thomas!

I admit I was expecting you to chime in,with good information(btw,I gave Sid your message).

I had hoped this thread would have had more "legs",because not often does a new and fully developed arm hit the streets.Especially with "this" pedigree!

Of course I take "any" review with a grain of salt,and yes the other superb arms like Phantom,Vector,Tri,Davinci and Continuum ALL exhibit "world class" followings.For a good reason,I expect.But....

Still,I'll bet we will hear alot more about this new design.....My experience with what we get from hearing a "superb" Linear Arm is one reason I get so excited when something this unique "hits the streets".

Maybe not a twelve incher but the 11 inch length,plus the unique offset of the platform(if I understand it correctly...no guarantee) seems to allow for maximizing performance on many tables.If it only gets us a little closer to a great linear tracker I'm excited about that!!


My friend has one and I've heard it several times already. I'm quite familiar with his equipment and He uses the same cartridge that I also have, a Zyx 4D/Atmos(mine is mounted on an SME IV.Vi). While I respect the design and admired the craftsmanship of kuzma tonearms, I never considered the Idea of Owning one til I heard the 4 point.

I have 4 SME tonearms among the loot I've managed to accumulate. I won't say that they're the best sounding but they are among the best built and the 4 point stands proud among them.

It's been awhile since a tonearm has got me excited again, not just the looks but also how it managed to make a cartridge sing at it's best. It gets your mind off thinking what the cartridge is doing. Repeatable adjustments in all parameters makes fine tuning a breeze. Aside from a Forsell airbearing, one of the best combinations with a Zyx I've heard.

I understand that Zyx makes some cartridges for Kuzma to their specs.
Dear Rodgen: I don't know if ZYX makes some Kuzma cartridges but what I can report from sure is that Shelter do it.

Regards and enjoy the music.