Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Kip & I have been communicating with Walgreens. We may have found a solution. Stop-bye in a fews days for our resolution of this challenge. Charlie
Hi all,
I cant find either of these steamers at my local walgreens stores. If anyone finds one, please let me know.
Any experience with the mccullugh(sp) or the other handheld steamer that wal mart sells.
Update on the above post. I managed to find the living solutions steam cleaner while on a layover in New York at Walgreens. It wasn't on the website, but the store had at least 10 of them. They were hidden on the bottom shelf in the houseware/appliance aisle.The manager said it is exactly the same as the perfection unit sans the lead power cord. Haven't tried it yet, but I will follow up when I do.
Readers : "Sans Lead Power Cord" Hello, THAT was what I was pleading about ... As in LEAD. Again, No fuss, just wash up or glove your hand(s)...But respect your family & pets keeping all safe.

Kip: Sorry , Tomorrow I will have the information
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