Music Hall 7 owners

Looking for a new cart sub 1000.00 range for all types of music (classical-punk). Suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
Initially I changed out the Goldring stock cart to a Shelter 501 mk2 and now run a Lyra Argo i. This much improved the overall tracking and sound (I am now a big fan of Lyra carts). I also use a None-felt platter mat with Speed Mat with the Speed Mat under the None-felt (instead of on top as the manufacturer recommends). This has created a vinyl deck that is musically quite pleasing.
I would like a MC cartridge. My phono pre is a Threshold Fet 10pc. I like the setup, but was just wondering what other folks have done w/their MMF7.

Thanks for the advise.
What phono stage are you using? Actually, this question is for everyone. I'm running a Pro-ject tube box SE II. I feel this would be the first place to upgrade. Then the cart.
I actually have the 7.1. All I've done so far is put a Herbies way excellent mat on and changed the IC's to Kimber Hero's. Oh, Music Hall sent me a replacement cart. The HO Eroica had a channel balance prob. They sent the LO as a replacement.

The clamp. Sometimes I use it, sometimes not.... just depends on how lazy I feel....