Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms

VPI was the only mainstream manufacturer for years, now we have 12 inch arms from
Kuzma, Schroder, SME, Consonance, Brinkman to name a few.

Why is this?? fad or long term

Would a 12ich Grahham, Triplaner or Basis be a better sounding product??
BTW,"Z",I happen to like the person you seem to be critical of.I like his enthusiasm,and his well meant intentions!!Always have!!
Like everyone shoud do with my comments(I must come off as hot air,often)some things should be taken with a grain of salt.So,I like when we get ALOT of varying opinions.I've gotten myself into alot of trouble with my own poor interjection of some of own opinions.I "think" I've learned from "posting" experience,over time.The opinions I disagree with I throw out,and the other ones I attempt to learn from.
Don't take this as a wrist slap,'cause you are a very interesting poster.
"light weight compared with drums, was the main advantage." What about resistance to fade and ability to work in the wet?

Now we have REALLY gotten off topic, so back to the OP. My guess is that some manufacturers (starting with VPI I believe) saw an increasing availability of tangental arms as new product development responded to the resurgent interest in vinyl. Since the biggest advantage with tangental arms is reduced tracing distortion, decisions were made to develop arms longer than the standard 9" that might reduce such distortions without involving other issues for tangental arms. The fact that new design, material development, and manufacturing processes could overcome some of the high mass and rigidity issues from longer arms manufactured 30 years ago has been a bonus.

A second factor could be the overall upgrading in resolution of tables and cartridges so that performance of tonearms has been demanded and appreciated, whether by 12" or tangental arms.

And peace Raul. I understand that in your experience, you have not found such product development to outweigh basic system matching/compatibility. But that is another story and does not address the OP question.
Sir, Perhaps there will come a time when we disagree, this is not it. I too appreciate the enthusiasm and passion of this other member. Once again, it's the REFUSAL to accept that anything newer can be better. We have enough challenge (fun?) convincing the next gen that Vinyl is our highest resolution source (not now, tape guys!) without someone who obviously has no idea what current SOTA is, preaching his ideas as ALL THERE IS. THAT is the problem here. Read the posts. Seven hundred and fifty some "answers" and no questions... Very telling. Sure, you and I might know what to take with a grain of salt, but someone might actually believe the guy! My turn to go a bit off topic; if your grandson was walking across an intersection in the rain and the light goes yellow, do you want the guy with SOTA drum brakes to be in the vicinity? Or the guy with ABS, all other things being equal? The guy with the drums can preach all he wants, nobody is listening, they haven't been for twenty years or so. This "other" member could have listeners and the junk he claims is SOTA can be obtained. CHEAP. Worse yet, installed and used! Point is if a newbee stopped there, the 99 dollar "Best Buy" uni will sound better. And we have lost another one. Not to mention, now my 45's cost 60+ bucks not 50+. These forums are a great place for folks wanting to share a better idea, or an OPTION, not a revisionist history class.
Zieman, you seem to suffer the malady of 'a little knowledge being a dangerous thing'. Your lack of knlowledge on vehicule braking systems and dynamics renders your credibility on other subjects suspect at best!

With respect, Bob P.
Z,I'm not old enough to have a grandson....I lied, I am but have none!!...As to anything influencing a newbee,who cares?It's not the job of a hobby/discussion forum to create market interest,IMO!
Yet,I know "we do" agree on balance.You and I..BUT..I don't think any of my posts are going to influence anyone that I am anything other than a "sometimes/often-times" bloviator.One that has an enthusiastic approach to a fun hobby.Someone that likes to "rap audio".Something I was accused of in my college days!While helping to take over my dorm,protesting the Vietnam war.Even though I was, "in actuality", just trying to pick up this "way hot" militant chick,who blew me off anyway!!