Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms

VPI was the only mainstream manufacturer for years, now we have 12 inch arms from
Kuzma, Schroder, SME, Consonance, Brinkman to name a few.

Why is this?? fad or long term

Would a 12ich Grahham, Triplaner or Basis be a better sounding product??
Sir, I have done more than my share of similar demos. I use a slightly different tactic: I start with their mp3 then play a CD, then the same mat'l on SACD. By this time there are several pools of drool to wipe up. THEN, the same mat'l on vinyl. I love to watch the head scratching, the audible questioning of their own sanity, and the inevitable "what is behind the curtain?" kids that just can't quite believe it. Big fun, you're fighting the good fight! We may actually be getting somewhere with "you know who" !! I see in the last response a glimmer of hope, "one way/road". Perhaps, there is another/several? Yippee!!! Pretty soon, we may see an aknowledgement that even perfectly executed 25 year old drum brakes are, in deed "second rate". I will not hold my breath for "I am/was wrong". But you Sir, can come over any time. Z.
With all these "Sirs," being bantered about, I feel like I'm in season one of Law and Order and listening to Michael Moriarty trying to face down a criminal.

Anyone else ever get that feeling?
My Dearest Sir Mr. Porter Sir, Sir is short for Sirspeedy, Sir. Although this gentleman commands the respect, I call him Sir mostly because he agrees with me! We aren't facing down any criminals, just attempting to convince another gentleman to remove his head from way too deep inside of his you-know-what. So that he might be better able to hear the voice of reason. Can I borrow the 312S, Sir? Z.
Hey, that's as good a response as any other, "Sir."

Don't let that keep you from watching "Law and Order" they use that term to great effect.

Now if you had been referring to him as "Speedy" I would have known where you were coming from. No confusion between Sirspeedy and (say) Speedy Alka- Seltzer (or, see link below).

Speedy, not Alka-Seltzer
Sir Albert,
(oohh! I like that!) Sir can always be used to great effect. Apparently, not good enough to land me a 312s, however. The Alka-Seltzer link reminds me of a song...(hey, you have your show, Sir) I won't rest now until I dig it out. Is it STYX? "Too much time on my hands". Mr Porter Sir, don't you think time would be better served disassembling and carefully packing the 312? We, Sir, are also dealing with a very serious matter here in this thread; A gentleman with perhaps 10k total investment, along with HUNDREDS of hours of wasted time, claims his system approach is the ONLY way to go, and further Sir, that it performs better than what you and I have achieved COMBINED! Alright Sir, I should leave you be. Remember: righty tighty, lefty loosy! Tracking # ? Z.