Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
How is R/O water any better than distilled water? These steamers state that distilled water is sufficient. I was under the impression that the process of distillation removes all minerals, because they can not evaporate with the water and condense.
Sufficient for cleaning around your bathroom faucets but not your records. Also, you will get more steam with R/O than with distilled.
Thanks Crem1,

I wrote up a whole narrative on a very primitive procedure that I used to steam clean vinyl only to find that the forums have a 700 word limit. I did save the diatribe locally. Possibly I will write it up as a review.

I will say this, while not a cureall for worn or damaged vinyl, steam cleaning DOES work. I am quite happy with the results that I am getting especially with bargain-basement records.

Thank you for your patience, support and encouragement!

Kind regards,


Distilled water is pure water - the best available. R/O water is no better than distilled water and may be worse if the filters are "worn" or if bacteria is present (which it may not remove).


Distilled water will not steam properly in many steamers, especially the perfection steamer. Distilled, in my perfection and others, I have read and experienced, shoot more of a stream of water with some steam, than all steam, using R/O water. I say use what ever water you choose.