AC vs DC motor?

OK...I am getting more and more interested in a new turntable and tonearm so will be coming to you all for advice and direction. I have a VIP Aries with the 10.5 arm and a Heilkon cartridge. I am interested in a Teres or Gailibier but both have DC motors. Please tell me the advantages or disadvantages of this type of motor.
DC motors don't necessarily mean that its power source is a battery, in fact most run off of a DC power source. Why all of this discussion about batteries and none about the advantages or disadvantages?
Again, the advantages/disadvantages boil down to the execution of the design in regulating/maintaining speed.
Bob P.
I have a Platine Verdier, which I used originally with a standard AC supply - very good it was then. About a year ago, I bought a Battery PSU (GT Audio in the UK - supplying DC power to the motor, and this transformed the Platine - much quieter, less surface noise, greater dynamic range - one of my best ever upgrades. If all DC power supplies are similar, then go for it.
I have an original Oracle which has AC not DC. The later Oracles went to DC and then back to AC. I have a MacMod Box by Mod Squad which is a speed stablizer so it runs at 33 1/3 or 45 rpm. Yup it's the one that started the whole deal with going with the optional power supply for Linn,Oracle,Vpi etc.etc. The difference between DC and AC is AC has alot less tourque and takes time for the platter to get up to speed. With the early Belt Driven Oracles if you were dry cleaning your record with a brush the record could just stop with little pressure. Now this is what i was told anyway and my power supply is plugged into the wall.
Hi Bob P......excellent point..."Again, the advantages/disadvantages boil down to the execution of the design in regulating/maintaining speed" so which one does it better? Most here say...D/C?
Dear Rwd: The ACvsDC is not the issue, because both are good ones it depends what the TT designer looks for.

The name of the game here is " power supply design and execution to that PS design ". The motor well " is a motor " if you give it what is asking for you can't have any trouble and will works fine: both motor designs.

There is no single battery design that can even a good AC PS design. The Topoxford.. experience trhough a battery PS means that the original AC PS was not up to the task not that the battery one is better.

Regards and enjoy the music.