Linear tracking vs. Pivoted tracking tone arms.

After searching all 735 existing analog "threads" I only found one short discussion regarding Linear tracking arms vs. tangential tracking arms. I have been a vinyl collector for over 32 years, and beleive that pure analog is still the "gold standard". In 1984 I purchased a Sony PS-X555ES linear tracking, biotracer, turntable. It is a fully automatic table with direct drive. This table has served me well, with no mechanical or set up issues. It is still in my system today. There are no adjustments other than balancing the tonearm to a netural position, then dialing in your tracking force. Two years ago I installed a Denon DL 160 moving coil cartridge, and am very pleased with its quality. I am considering retirement for the Sony and replacement with a Michell Gyro SE with Rega pivoted arm. Linear tracking arms are not availiable. This is a belt drive, full manual table. I understand that the master LP lacquer is cut on a lathe with the linear method. Should vinyl be replayed in the same manner for optimal sound? I would really like to hear from some hard core audiophile vinyl types on this one. By the way, my system consists of the followinig: Conrad-Johnson PV10B all tube pre-amp with tube phono stage. This is split into a C-J Primer 11 tube amp and C-J MF2250 FET amp, bi-amped into a pair of KEF Reference series 3-2 speakers. The Premier 11 feeds the mids and highs and the MF2250 feeds the bass section. All cables and interconnects are Monster Cables finest. Thanks in advance for any advice.
If you look at an LP groove you see that vertical and horizontal motion are both present. Favoring one over the other sounds tricky to me at best. These days most LPs have variable groove spacing so the arm/cartridge combo has to be ready to move without inducing noise.
Atmasphere my friend has a sota table with an ET arm. I think you are right about the excessive horizontal pressure. I have brought my vinyl records to him and when I returned I noticed groove noise. I am using a basis table and basis vector arm. I think he permanently wore the side of the groove. I will not be bringing back any of my records there again.
If the linear tracking arm was to blame, then I guess all of the Walker tables, Rockports, and Kuzma Air Line tonearms are wearing out LPs left and right. Give me a break.
Kinda have to agree with Ketchup. Was going to say the same thing. Check your friend's set-up accuracy and his cartridge, if indeed there is any basis at all for your hypothesis that his playing your LPs on his rig damaged them.
Some of the Sotas had a vacuum system that kept the LP flat. The side that you weren't playing could get damaged by such use. That may have been corrected on later 'tables.