Survey-What is your most used source?

Just curious, what is your most used source: CD, tuner, cassette, LP, dish...?

I purchased a tuner about six months ago, I hadn't used one in my system in well over 10 years. It is easily now my most used source.

Model: Fanfare FT-1A
XM Satellite Radio via a "SkyFi" tuner, using SilveryFirst sterling silver interconnects.

It is digital and sounds quite good (especially with tubes) but not quite to CD. But the programming is beyond belief.

Favorite stations (out of the 101 offered):

Luna 75 (Latin Jazz)

Café 45 (Sophisticated, funky eclectic rock, alt, acoustic stuff)

Frank's Place 73 (Great American Songbook - Frank, Ella, Billie H., Mel Tormé, etc.)

VOX 112 (vocal classical - all forms - chorale, opera, etc.)

Best of all, when I head to work, I pop off the bar-of-soap-sized tuner and pop it in the car. When I get to work, I pop it into the "boombox" cradle on my desk and pop on the headphones.

Life is good!

What do I listen to most-in the order of preference:
1.LP (highly modded Goldmund Reference/Clearaudio Insider or highly modded Souther/Helicon.)
2.Analog prerecorded tape (Otari,Studer)
3.Tuner (Rhode&Schwarz all tube stereo relay reciever, 1960 vintage)
4.Redbook CD (ML.30.5, Purcel, ML 31.6)
5.SACD (Sony SCD777es, modded by Audience)
Out of competition: My significant other (unmodified)
Just one,,, C-band satellite is my source for 60+ digital music channels. It doesn`t get any better than that! Regards, Robin
What do I listen to (as opposed to my fav source which is TT)? Following the latest developments (baby, as per my thread) the order is now:
*Significant other, lately modified into a dual role (SO + mother)
*redbook (for convenience)

At least, this new order should help the cartridge last longer...