Speaker cable manufacturers

Hi all,
Not looking for recommendations specifically for a particular model of speaker cable, but looking to start by considering the companies themselves. I have a budget of $700 for a used set of 8ft pair of cables. My speakers are DIY Peerless and Sb tweeter 3 way hybrid open baffles. I want to try to avoid the cable-merry-go-round and go with a company the is generally highly regarded for making good stuff (low risk). I am considering Analysis Plus, JPS Labs. The only reason I am not considering the ultra small manufacturers is because I want to have the ability to sell later if need be and some of the really small guys don't have the recognition yet. Any additional manufacturers recommendations are welcomed
Thanks for the recommendations. Some of the companies I am not familiar with. I agree that they don't make the wire due to tooling costs, but some of the wire construction, shapes are unique. I guess the only way to find out is to try it. :)
The Big Silver Oval is proven, "sure bet." I've got them on my mains, and they simply get out of the way of the music. They made more than one iteration. Try to find the latest(IF you can find someone, willing to part with them): (http://www.analysis-plus.com/prod_spkrcable.html)
I guess I would ask what musical attributes are you looking for? How do you feel your system is lacking? Are you looking for cables that provide more power and fullness, or cables with more speed and resolution? Also, do you prefer a more immediate presentation, or a more laid back soundstage? Front row or mid hall?

You cannot have it all, no matter what others may say. It's all a matter of balancing the sound to suit your tastes. Some do it with equipment, some do it with cables.

Before we can give you proper directions, we need to know what direction you wish to head in, east or west.

JMC,I am currently using Music Hose 750. It is too forward sounding and a tad bright and not as clear/clean as a a QED Silver Genesis that I demoed in my system. The MH is quite old by todays standards. I am looking for more laid back smoother and cleaner sound. I was thinking about the Oval 9 or the Oval Silver 2.